Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Waverly v. Laura Ashley: The KO

It's gone. I'm almost sad. Almost. The older lady we bought the new house from had very expensive taste. Back in the 80's. Much like the St. John's knit she was wearing at the closing, the wallpaper and custom drapes had stood the test of time. Time be damned, though, we had those puppies steamed, scraped and repainted within an inch of their lives.

I really wish cameras were following us. I feel like my marriage has blossomed during this house re-do phase. And by "blossomed" I'm referring to the mushroom cloud of an atomic bomb.

Take paint choices, for instance. I'd chosen. Cho-sen. Done, finito, affirmative.I had ingeniously chosen based on the color wheel that HGTV and Sherwin Williams generously provided. Huzzband and contractor wanted me to "be sure". So instead of me just going to buy the paint like I'd wanted, with the calculated amounts, I instead went and bought half-gallon samples. Oy. What a waste.

I still knew they were what I wanted, but we diligently schlepped them over to new house. They slapped the samples on the wall. Huzzband and contractor tried to convince me in a very manly way that the paint would be much cheaper if I chose three colors instead of six. Agh! Huzzband wanted to wait another week to see if the paint would go on sale. Double Agh!

Hence, on the 4th of July, with my child recovering from hand, foot and mouth disease, I had to load up, drive across town, sans shower, to run into the house to peruse the paint colors while Kid attempted to nap off his morning snack. Sadly, Huzzband and contractor got their way. I lamented my more expensive, more labor intensive six color scheme, and handed over my girl-card to go with the less expensive neutral. I noted how much we saved and mentally bought a piece of art I've been eyeing.

We're almost done. I've tried to document the process and how much fun it's been to make choices, but mainly we're just snappy and argue over the $35 bathroom sconce vs. the $42. Wait until I tell you about tile....